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News for the next generations
My Role
Competitor Analysis, Feature Prioritization, Secondary Research, Hi-Fi Wireframe, UI Design, Prototype
Rojen Maharjan (Me),
Sita Bhattarai (Design Supervisor) Project Manager
6 Weeks
Tools Used
Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator
Stay in the Know, No Time to Slow
In a world where time is a precious commodity, Choto Samachar revolutionized news consumption for individuals with busy lifestyles. Recognizing the struggle to spare time for extensive articles or news broadcasts, a team of journalists and tech enthusiasts created the app. With a commitment to respecting users' time, Choto Samachar delivers important news in a concise format.
Competitor Analysis and Feature Listings
HI-FI Wireframe
UI Design
Design Process Case Study Coming Soon
Prepare for an Exam like never before
My Role
Competitor Analysis, Feature Prioritization, Secondary Research, Hi-Fi Wireframe, UI Design, Prototype
Rojen Maharjan (Me),
4 Weeks
Tools Used
Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator
Prepare for your test
PrepEXam is a comprehensive exam preparation app that aims to assist students in their exam readiness. It provides a user-friendly platform that offers a wide range of features to enhance studying, practice, and performance.
UI Design
Design Process Case Study Coming Soon
Get your ecommerce live within a month
My Role
Competitor Analysis, Feature Prioritization, Secondary Research, Hi-Fi Wireframe, UI Design, Prototype
Rojen Maharjan (Me),
2 Weeks
Tools Used
Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator
UI Design
Design Process Case Study Coming Soon
Lets be part of the helping hand community
My Role
Competitor Analysis, Feature Prioritization, Secondary Research, Hi-Fi Wireframe, UI Design, Prototype
Rojen Maharjan (Me),
2 Weeks
Tools Used
Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator
Donate for the cause
The Red Cross Donation Page is a secure online platform where individuals can contribute funds to support the humanitarian efforts of the Red Cross organization.
UI Design
Design Process Case Study Coming Soon